Who's this Site for?

This is the home site of APPCIOS and of its members.   But it's more than that . . . 



Authored on :
13/08/2019by :

This is a space where everyone interested in human relationships can meet and think together about the complexities of the internal world and the workings of the unconscious.

This is for everyone, whether you know a lot or a little.  

For more experienced visitors: 

If you have an academic interest in psychoanalysis, or professional experience in caring for vulnerable clients, or if you're already a well-established psychoanalytic clinician, then you might want to go straight to our Site Guide and find out more about the Public Spaces, Private Rooms, Blog Sites, Articles, Confidential Webinars and Special Interest Groups that we offer. Click here.    

If you're an amateur:

If you've arrived here as an amateur, keen to know more, but unsure if this is the right place for you, you may want to start by watching a video or reading something about this way of thinking.  Try this, for example.  

Either way, do feel free to explore.

And if you want to investigate further, do join us.  All you have to do is give us your email address and we'll register you as a regular visitor. Just press the ‘Join Us’ tab above.
